Adulting is not what you expected it to be.

Therapy for young adults in VA, MD, & DC

Helping individuals in their 20s chart their course

Life on your own isn’t how you imagined it’d be.

The real world is fast-paced and ever-changing, and it can be challenging to find your place in it.

Finding your footing and a way to balance everything — school, work, family, relationships — is stressful. You’d been juggling it all pretty well, but lately, you feel like you’re dropping some balls. There are times it feels overwhelming and confusing; sometimes, you wish someone else were in charge and could take over.

  • overwhelmed by day-to-day responsibilities

  • worried about what the future holds

  • socially isolated or lonely

  • stressed by your finances

  • “stuck” in a rut, unable to make a move

You weren’t prepared to feel…

Life is unpredictable, especially in your 20s when you’re starting out.

You feel pressure to succeed, from others and from within. Lately, you’ve noticed that your “virtual life” — dating apps, TikTok, Instagram, etc. — leaves you feeling “less than.” It’s no longer entertaining. You can’t find anyone you really connect with, and it seems everyone else has “perfect” lives. Even though you know it’s all curated to look that way, it causes you to wonder and to question why yours isn’t.

You knew there would be ups and downs, but you’re feeling worn out and discouraged. Your self-confidence has taken a major hit, and even though your family and friends have been supportive, you’re starting to feel like a broken record. The life you dreamt of having feels impossible to achieve. You’re questioning whether it’s time to try harder or make a change. Either way, you know you’re tired of feeling uncertain and undecided, and you need to stop spinning your wheels and choose a direction.

How therapy works

Everyone’s journey is different.

Therapy is personalized to meet your needs.

We’ll start where you are, which means we begin with what’s on your mind and what you want help with. Through our discussion, we will identify your priorities and your goals for our work together.

My goal is to provide a safe, non-judgmental space where you can freely vent, explore, brainstorm, dissect, reflect, and discuss what you’re noticing in your life and how it may be affecting your emotional well-being. We may visit past experiences, memories, or situations if you feel like they might shed light on the present and help you gain insight, awareness, or understanding of current challenges.

Therapy for young adults can help you…

  • clarify what’s important so decisions are easier to make

  • nurture and build intimate, meaningful relationships

  • set healthy boundaries around your time and energy

  • process and gain insight around childhood memories

  • learn strategies to manage anxiety and daily stress

Frequently asked questions about therapy for young adults


  • Therapy for young adults is geared specifically to support individuals in their late teens or twenties, who are facing emotional, psychological, or social challenges as they navigate the transition to adulthood. Learn more.

  • Young adults face a wide range of transitional life milestones and may seek therapy for several reasons including anxiety, depression, stress, relationship difficulties, academic or career-related concerns, adjustment to college or living on their own, self-esteem issues, trauma, etc. Learn more.

  • Therapy may be beneficial if you're feeling distressed or overwhelmed by your emotions, or you’re struggling with day-to-day functioning. If you’re noticing persistent patterns of negative thoughts, difficulty in your relationships, or a decline in your overall well-being, you may benefit from speaking with a mental health therapist. Learn more.

More questions? Visit the FAQs page.

You don’t have to figure this out alone.

It’s possible to have the life you want.