Reflect. Learn. Change. Grow.

Therapy for depression online

For women in Leesburg, VA, and throughout VA, MD, and DC

It takes a lot of effort to be you right now.

You haven’t felt like yourself for a while, and you can’t shake off this heaviness that’s weighing you down. Some days, you’d like to pull the cover over your head and just stay in bed. And although you usually get up, it’s a struggle for you to engage fully. You’re zoned out, going through the motions of your day. And if something goes wrong, you quickly feel defeated.

It seems like you should be able to think your way out of this darkness, but no solution you’ve come up with works for long. All you know is that you feel worn out, and you’re wondering if it might be time to get professional support.

Have you noticed you’re …

  • struggling to do even the simplest tasks, like doing the dishes or walking the dog?

  • ghosting your friends? isolating yourself?

  • super sensitive to news or unexpectedly teary-eyed watching TV shows?

  • feeling irritable, unable to stop yourself from snapping at your best friend or partner?

  • tossing and turning, staring at the ceiling at night or wanting to sleep through the day?

  • feeling like you’re a burden to the people who care about you?

 You want to feel better, and I’m here to help.

How therapy works

You can get out of this deep hole you feel stuck in.

For a minute, just close your eyes and imagine what it would be like to wake up and feel rested and energized. Or to look forward to going out to dinner with friends? Or to feel at ease and confident at work? Try to imagine that the weight you feel pushing you down is gone or that the pressure on your chest has disappeared and you can breathe deeply and easily.

It might’ve been hard to conjure up some of those images, but therapy can help you get there. Therapy is intentional time you set aside for yourself. It’s a safe place to connect with someone you don’t have to pretend with or prove anything to. You can bring all the thoughts you have running on a loop inside your head and pause them, so you can take a look at them and name what’s really happening. When you give yourself this space to be seen, heard, and understood, you give yourself the opportunity to gain insight and make changes that will help you heal, feel better, and grow stronger.

What you can expect …

I'm a trauma-informed therapist, who starts where you are with what you need most. I believe you’re the expert on you, and I am here to support and guide you. What we focus on is always your choice. When we meet, you’ll take the lead and prioritize what’s important. I’ll help you clarify and define your goals for our work together, and your goals will guide our work.

Over time, through our sessions, we’ll explore what might be underlying your symptoms and what insights you have. I will be honest and straightforward with you, sharing observations and asking questions for you to consider. You’ll develop awareness around habits, thought patterns, behaviors, or old stories that impact how you’re feeling. I’ll also share practical strategies that you can implement in your day-to-day life to support you as we explore the challenging feelings and situations you're facing.

Therapy for depression can help you…

  • reframe self-defeating beliefs and foster a positive self-image.

  • gain an understanding of the underlying causes of your symptoms.

  • improve communication and reconnect in your relationships.

  • learn effective coping strategies for managing day-to-day challenges.

  • improve your sleep and self-care practices.

  • regain a sense of energy, excitement, purpose, and meaning.

Frequently asked questions about therapy For depression


  • Therapy offers emotional support during difficult, challenging times and reduces feelings of isolation. Therapy provides a safe and supportive environment to talk about and gain a deeper understanding of your feelings, thoughts, and experiences. Therapy can help you identify and change negative thought patterns, address and manage emotions, become aware of and understand the root causes of your depression, and help you develop coping strategies to manage distress and improve your overall well-being. Learn more.

  • If you're wondering if you need therapy, you probably haven’t been feeling like yourself. If you’ve noticed that you’re experiencing persistent symptoms, such as prolonged sadness, loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed, changes in appetite or sleep patterns, low energy, feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness, and difficulty concentrating, it would be a good idea to schedule a free consult to see if therapy might be right for you. Learn more.

  • Schedule a free consult so we can talk about what’s on your mind. It will give you an opportunity to decide whether therapy is the step you need to take and whether I’m the right person for you. If I can’t help, I will offer referrals to others who may. Learn more.

More questions? Visit the FAQs page.

 You don’t have to feel weighed down ANY LONGER.

It’s possible to enjoy life like you used to.